It’s an exciting feeling when you book a vacation. Finally, you can relax and enjoy – no work, cleaning, or errands to worry about. And then it hits you – what are you going to do with your dog? You don’t want to inconvenience your family or friends by asking them to watch your dog, and so, you’re left with only two options: a kennel or a pet sitter. You know that you won’t have a good time if you’re not 100% confident that your dog is in good hands. What should you do?

Kennel vs. Pet Sitter – What should you do?
It’s a debatable topic. There’s no easy answer and it’s honestly different for each dog and owner. However, if you’re a new pet owner or if you’re looking into boarding for the first time, pet sitting is definitely the way to go.
We’re betting that you’ve heard horror stories about kennels – They’re dirty, the dogs aren’t treated well, and kenneled dogs never come home the same are some of the most popular ones. Well, we can’t tell you that those rumors are true, but we can tell you that a dog will absolutely prefer having a pet sitter. And that you, the owner, will feel much more comfortable when you go away, knowing that your pet is in good hands.
First, let’s look at the top three reasons why a kennel isn’t the best place for your pup –
1 / When you kennel your dog, they’re in a new place.
It’s hard enough for a dog to part from their owner. Studies show that whether we leave our dogs for a half hour or an entire week, they actually do miss us. And though they like to visit other places (i.e. the dog park or grandma’s), they prefer being at home. They’re comfortable and it reminds them of us, their owners. So, if you kennel your dog, you’re not only leaving your dog but you’re taking them away from their place of comfort. Some dogs can handle that, but it’s tough for most.
For a dog, being in a new place away from their family isn’t easy. When dogs feel uncomfortable in their environment, they’ll often stop eating, refuse to go out and do nothing but sit around all day. The people who run kennels don’t have the time to give individual attention to each dog – they have many to look after – so, unfortunately, your dog may be left on their own to pout. There’s no one there to ensure that they eat and go out when needed. The people at kennels can do their best, but it’s hard work with numerous dogs. That brings us to our second point…
2 / A kennel houses multiple dogs at once.
If your dog isn’t used to be around other dogs often, a kennel is going to be a tough place for them. The problem is that you might not even know if your dog has issues with other dogs. Maybe they’ve acted fine when they pass another dog while on a walk, but if your dog has never spent quality time with other dogs, you really have no idea how they will react.
Dogs can easily feel threatened, especially if they’re not used to being with other dogs. Something as simple as another dog wanting to play, taking their toy, or being rowdy and loud can set them off. Even the sweetest, most gentle dogs can feel threatened and react poorly.
3 / Your dog could possibly catch fleas – or something worse – in a kennel.
Here’s another issue with boarding your dog – you know nothing about the other dogs. Does their fur get washed? Do they have illnesses? Fleas? There’s really no way to know, and honestly, you’re taking a chance every time you take your dog to the kennel. Even if there are no fleas on the dogs at the kennel currently, there’s bound to be fleas still around from previous dogs.
The bottom line? If you’re at all worried about what to do with your dog while you’re away, you definitely want to go the pet sitting route. And here’s why –
A pet sitter can meet your dog first.
Worried that your dog won’t like the pet sitter you hire? Here’s the great thing about pet sitting – almost always, a pet sitter will want to come meet the dog first, before they agree to watch them while you are away. It’s important to make sure the pet sitter is comfortable with your dog, and your dog comfortable with the pet sitter. If they get along, you’ll feel confident knowing that you’ve left your fur baby in good hands.
A pet sitter will keep your dog on their schedule.
You know what works best for your dog. Not only are you accustomed to their schedule, but your dog is too. When you hire a pet sitter, your dog’s schedule doesn’t have to change much at all when you’re gone. You can show a pet sitter exactly what to do each day – when they eat, how much they eat, when they go out, where they like to sleep, etc. Your dog will continue their same routine, which is what they love. They might miss you, but at least they don’t have to miss home, too. This is easier for your dog and really helps lessen separation anxiety.
A pet sitter will give your dog personalized attention.
When you kennel or board your dog, there’s no way to know if they’re getting the attention they deserve. Are they being fed properly? Taken out for exercise? With a pet sitter, you can eliminate those worries. A pet sitter isn’t juggling multiple dogs at once – they’re focused on your dog and giving them the personalized attention they deserve.
Leaving your dog to go on vacation doesn’t have to be as horrible as it seems. Your dog is in good hands when left with a pet sitter you trust – they can stick to their schedule, stay in their home and get the personalized attention they deserve and need. You can fully enjoy your vacation knowing that your dog is in good hands.
Looking for pet sitting services in the Bucks County, PA area? We can help you out! Contact us today to learn more about our services and meet our professionally trained and trusted pet sitters.
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