What’s the deal with human food and pets?
You’re sitting on the couch relaxing after a long day. You decide to snack on a bag of pretzels. Your dog is (of course) close by and before you know it, you’re giving them a pretzel for every one you eat. It’s cute and your dog is, of course, happy, but is it really safe? Are dogs able to eat human food? What about cats? Birds? What’s the deal with human food and pets?
We’ll dive into this topic below, but first, here’s what research has to say – According to the ASPCA, there are a number of foods that you should avoid giving to any pet. They include:
Alcohol – DO NOT give your pet alcohol under any circumstances. Not only can they get sick with vomiting and diarrhea, but alcohol can depress their central nervous system, put them in a coma, or even kill them.
Avocado – This one is more geared towards birds, as it can cause cardiovascular damage to them, but it’s best to avoid feeding any pet avocado.
Chocolate, Coffee & Caffeine – Methylxanthines are found in all three of these foods and are known to cause sickness, excessive thirst and urination, tremors, seizures and even death in pets.
Citrus – The citric acid found in citrus fruits can depress the central nervous systems of pets. Small doses, such as eating fruits, are probably fine, but it’s better safe than sorry.
Coconut & Coconut Oil – The oil found in fresh coconut (and coconut oil itself) can cause stomach problems for your pet.
Grapes & Raisins – Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs.
Macadamia Nuts – Macadamia Nuts can make your dog sick – vomiting, tremors, hyperthermia, and even depression have been found after eating macadamia nuts.
Milk & Diary – Pets do not naturally have significant amounts of lactose in their bodies, so milk and dairy products are hard for them to digest. It’s best to avoid them!
Nuts – There is too much oil in nuts for your pet to digest and are likely to cause vomiting and diarrhea and possibly, pancreatitis.
Onions, Garlic, Chives – These foods are especially bad for cats – as they can cause gastrointestinal irritation that could lead to red blood cell damage – but dogs are also at risk, so it’s best to avoid them all.
Raw/Undercooked meat, eggs, and bones – Raw meat and eggs can contain salmonella and e.coli, which are harmful to both humans and pets. Though you think giving your dog meat bones is natural, it’s best to buy the ones from the stores – they can easily choke on raw bones.
Salt & Salty Snack Foods – Extremely salty foods can cause excessive thirst and urination in your pets – they’re bodies don’t break it down like humans do. It’s truly best to avoid giving your pets any salty foods such as potato chips and pretzels.
Xylitol – This is the sweetener found in gum and many candies. It is not good to give to any pets, as it can cause liver failure.
Yeast Dough – Yeast dough can rise inside a pet and cause extreme gas in your pet’s digestive system. This is painful to your pet and potentially life-threatening.
What about other human food and pets?
When it comes to human food and pets – we all do it and we feel guilty when we don’t. Our cute pets sit right next to us as we eat, giving us that look with those begging eyes. It’s hard to say no. Yet, the more you say no, the better you’re doing for the health of your pet.
That’s not to say that you can’t ever give your pet human food, but it should be looked at more as a rare treat than something you do often. And always, always make sure it’s a food that’s safe for a pet to eat. Don’t test anything that you’re not sure of – there are specific foods that your pet should never have (see the list above), but you don’t know what allergies your pet could potentially have. If you ever have any questions about whether or not your pet can have a specific human food, it’s best to call your vet first.
Which foods are safe for your pet to eat?
Peanut Butter – You’re probably thinking “Phew! I feed my dog peanut butter all the time!” – Nothing wrong with this one. They love it and it’s a good source of protein. Just be sure to choose an all-natural peanut butter for your pet.
Lean Protein – There are definitely those people out there who prefer to cook for their pet rather than feed them pet food. This is okay as long as you stick with super lean proteins like chicken and turkey.
Rice & Pasta – Nothing wrong with adding a little rice and pasta to your pet’s lean protein! Just be sure not to add an acidic or fatty sauce. It won’t sit right with them.
Always remember to talk with your vet first about human food and pets. They can tell you specifics on how your pet might handle each food.
Which pets can eat human food?
Dogs – Dogs are, obviously, the ones that beg the most for food. And it just so happens, that they are the ones who can handle the most human food. They can eat everything on the list above, but their favorite will definitely be peanut butter!
Cats – Cats need protein, plain and simple. They won’t necessarily beg for food as dogs do, but they might from time to time. The only human food you should feed them is lean protein – it’s what they’ll want most, anyway!
Birds – Birds can eat people food but are also more sensitive than cats and dogs. Most people will feed them bread, and though they can eat it, it does nothing for them nutritionally. You are better off not feeding birds human food.
All in all, you definitely want to be careful and considerate when it comes to human food and pets. It’s important to make sure your friends and family know what they can and cannot eat, so they don’t accidentally harm your pet. If you ever question what your pet can eat, be sure to check with your vet first or simply stick to pet food.
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